
Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Cyber Bulling

Some questions on why Cyber Bulling is bad There has been Cyber Bulling at our school and I'm giving you questions to check if you are smart not to be a Cyber Bulling you can answer in the comment's

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

History check

  • I spend most of my time on khan Academy,google and sunshine online.
  • No I dont think that my history would change in the weekend because I go on a difrent computer at home and leave my chromebook at school.
  • I think that the word google comes up to much in my history because it is talking about my drive and every thing that comes up with google on it.
  • Thursday, 23 June 2016

    Stuffed truck writing


    I'm dripping with sweat.I just can’t stand it!Whenever I slip and lose my grip someone always moves into my space and I can’t get up again.Then I slip and this time I manage to grab someone’s luggage.Finally I spot a gap under the luggage where it is Shady.I climb up.There up ahead I spot a different spot of sand. Strange....The truck drove right into it.The truck tread in the sand for a bit and then slowly sunk forward.

    Everyone started to jump off the truck.But not me.My heart raced as I climbed to the top of the truck.I knew that If I didn't get my pack I wouldn't survive without water and shelter.

    The hole of the windscreen was gone. I grabbed my bag and jumped.My heart fell as my feet got stuck In the quicksand. I ripped my shoes off and rand for my life.I could already tell that it was going to be a long journey back.

  • Here is a piece of writing I did in class.I would put the picture in but it had copyright.
  • Thursday, 16 June 2016

    Matariki thinglink

  • This is a thinglink that I mmade in learning for matariki.
  • Thursday, 2 June 2016

    100 word challenge

    Im reading a book and there's a statue sitting next to me. I hear shuffling, the statue  had come closer. the bus  comes.The statue touches me and melts like a vampire in the sun.I feel a cold substance covering my body.I tryed walk over to the bus but I'm stuck. When I wake up,People are saying are you ok.Then I remember what happened. I was in the rugby stadium when Dan Carter did that conversion, and I got smacked in the head by the rugby ball. I wasn’t talking to a statue I was unconscious.

  • Hi guys this is a 100 word story.If you don't know there is a 100 word story challenge going around you can do it to.
  • Wednesday, 11 May 2016

    Egg drop

  • Here is my egg drop slide my first post of 2016