Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I can share my learning journey. My blog is a collection of questions, ideas, learning in progress and finished work. Please make comments so I can learn more and improve my work. Thanks!
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Tanki online animation
This is my Tanki online animation It took me about a year but I didn't work on it for long periods of time.Please leave a comment If you have made an animaton.
Quake Agario skins
One of my hobbies is making agario skins for Gota.io Gota is a very skilled game were you have to be pro
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
The escape from Alcatraz
This is a pick a path slide animation please DO NOT press the arrow keys click on the path that you want to choose.
class work,
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
My sister similes
Zoe’s brain is as small as a flea
Zoe’s as stubborn as a bull
Zoe’s is as selfish as a leprechaun
Im as Yolo as Yhiita
My sister is as narrow minded as harry potter
My sister is as load as a brass band
This is 6 similes about my sister
We wrote our own similes when we read a book called "Jason's extraordinary hair" in class and it had loads of similes in it.
Can you make an interesting simile.
about me
My story board holiday

This is a story of my holiday made using story board. We made it with story board because our teacher wanted us to use a visual presentation.
Made with Storyboard That
about me
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Kindness calendar
This is my kindness Calendar it is 30 kind things that you kind of have to do every day
It took me two blocks to make and eventually I had to get some help.
The hard thing about this was thinking of kind things to do.(and it will be even harder to do them)
Finnish work
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
What is Diwali where is it celebrated and what it's about.
Diwali is the festival of light it is the most important of the Indian holidays they get two weeks off school and work. They spend this time making lots of food that can last up to a month. this festival is known as the new year.
Five interesting facts about Diwali
Five interesting facts about Diwali
- Diwali came about when Lord Rama his wife and son went into the forest just outside there city for fourteen years, in that time Lord Rama's wife was kidnapped by the evil Lord Ravanda when Lord Rama was out hunting. Lord Rama fought Lord Ravanda and Lord Rama won, when the village people heard about this they set up a massive festival for lord Rama his wife and sons return.
- your usual dancing sari is an average length 9 meters.
- some Indian dancers have these bells on these ankle scarfs and each scarf ways 7 kg!
- Diwali is a 5 day celebration but they get a 2 week holiday to get ready.
- On Diwali the Hindus pray to Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and good fortune,they pray to Lakshmi to get lot's of money and good harvest.
Finnish work
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
55 riddles for you
These are some riddles that we are doing in class. I have finished all of them but when I check my answers with some of my class mates they get different ones too. So always check with someone else for a different point of veiw you never know there may be a different answer.
Agar.io skin art
If you don't know my favourite game Is gota.io (don't judge me on favouritism but its awesome)
I made this skin with my friend Dwayne Aaron and Ethan there blogs are Aaron's blog,Ethan's blog and Dwayne's blog they have similar art on there blogs as well.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
My speech intro
How would you feel if you were hunted every day and your family killed and sold for thousands of dollars ?
How would you feel if there were less than 50 of your species left on this earth?
How would you feel if you got hung from a trap barely alive with string cutting into your foot for 6 or more hours.
Hi i’m Ossian and today in this speech i’m here to talk to you about why tigers are not medicine.
This is the intro to my speech. Please comment if you want to see the howl thing
Written by Rachel Sutherland. In association with 'takeabowproductions.org"
Hi everyone this speech took me 3 days to write it is 3:45 seconds long and is about why tigers are NOT MEDICINE !!!!!!!!!!!! (I know you are only supposed to put one apostrafy but I just can't help it)
Written by Rachel Sutherland. In association with 'takeabowproductions.org"
Hi everyone this speech took me 3 days to write it is 3:45 seconds long and is about why tigers are NOT MEDICINE !!!!!!!!!!!! (I know you are only supposed to put one apostrafy but I just can't help it)
Science Extravaganza
This term me and my class did a science week activity we went to different classes and learn different things. As of the first slide we learnt about the o wing plane which actually fly's really well if you get the calculations right.
Monday, 25 September 2017
Learning Journal
This is my goals for this term,my achievements and my links to stuff like my blog our class site (recommend to check out some time) My problem solving groups and my reading and writing groups.
Agar.io animation
Hi there this is my agar.io animation it has not been finished.
There are three hundred and eleven slides although it could be longer.Stay with me for another animation called "My Agar.io life"
Mindcraft the musical (yes thats how you spell it)
Written by Rachel Sutherland. In association with 'takeabowproductions.org"
Hello this play took the staff and year 5 and 6 children 3 weeks to nearly perfect
I found this quite frustrating because 1 and a half hours to two hours of singing practice is not my idea of fun. But the show turned out to be great everyone had a great time and we had ice cream.
Hello this play took the staff and year 5 and 6 children 3 weeks to nearly perfect
I found this quite frustrating because 1 and a half hours to two hours of singing practice is not my idea of fun. But the show turned out to be great everyone had a great time and we had ice cream.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Mincraft excel character
This is my minecraft character
I made him on google sheets.
It took me 2 days
and 5 hours to choose the character
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
13 death lane
Death Lane
Yup we lost the deal. If you’re wondering what the deal was It was a deal a stupid deal but we made it. it was if we won our agario game against ƬψƬ then they would go to 13 death lane and that was not a nice place to be.
But we lost. Also if you think about it the deal was not fair. 3 against all of the ƬψƬ clan. But a deal’s a deal We had to go to 13 death lane. Their was rumores that it was haunted by headless ghost who was searching for his head and he did not know his head was actually stuck halfway up the chimney. So we lost the deal and had to go to 13 death lane.As we were walking down. We approached 13 death lane and i saw the street sign for 13 death lane. It was old. It was also very rusty metal sign.As we walked past the metal sign a gust of wind ruffled my hair and then a big bang filled the air and then we screamed and ran halfway down the path before we noticed that it was just a sign. But then we heard another big bang and ran into THE HOUSE we looked out the window and it was just a bird who activated 500 kg of dynamite and that’s where they got the big bang theory.
TO be continued
This is a comedy story that hasn't been finished for Monday writing.
My chapter chat
This is my chapter chat slide show chapter chat is a program where you read a book and then do one of the activitys and then post it on friday on twitter.
chapter chat
This game is based on tag mode in diep.io
Hi our names are Aaron, Ethan and Ossian. We made this game called Mixtr.io to play you choose either A slither.io guy diep.io guy or a agar.io guy then you battle.
to kill a slither.io guy you have to make them run into your body.
How a diep.io guy can kill you diep.io guys can kill you by shooting you and then you get smaller when they shoot you until you disappear.
To kill a diep.io guy you split on him or you make him run into you if you are versing a smasher and he runs into you you will get smaller and he will only lose health.
How to get big:
To get big you eat mass there is slither.io mass and there is agar.io mass and diep.io mass. agar.io eats agar mass diep.io shoots diep mass and slither eats slither mass. Aim of the game is to get everyone on your team.
My Story:
The slither team was winning This is my monday writing I did it with Aaron and Ethan We shared it
Monday writing
Monday, 3 July 2017
My Motat trip
This is my motat video. Most of the pictures have my friend Aaron you can find him at Aarons blog
The other picture with someone eals in it is my other friend saad.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
My perfect last day

This is my perfect last day.
It was challenging because I kept saying my ideas but then forgetting them before I could type them in.
See the bottom for my second storie.
Friday, 5 May 2017
My holidays
This is what I did in my holidays
Writing this was hard because I couldn't think of how to start it.
my holidays
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Science in a van
This is my recap on what happened when science in a van came to our school.
They came to Owairaka school on Tuesday and taught us all about Forces.
I recommend for you to watch them if you have the opportunity.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Learning journal
This is my learning Journal I made it for parent teacher interviews.
This is my learning Journal I made it for parent teacher interviews.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
My Chapter chat
This is my chapter chat about Sideways stories from wayside school.
I have done two of the activates and have told you a little about them.
The Mine craft activate was very squeezed in because we only had two days of twenty minutes to Finnish the school.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
My timeline by Ossian
Hi this is my timeline of highlights (that I can remember)of my life.I found this a test as I can remember what I did in my life but I can't remember what date It is.I hope you like what I can remember of my life.
school work
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
My holiday writing
“Are we there yet?” asked my sister. “No” came the very annoyed voice of my mum.
Lush forest surrounded us as we nearly ran over a passing possum. We swerved violently to avoid it. We came back on track just as a car came speeding the other way.We drove on for another five minutes and saw a sign it said Lake Wainamu in 3 km.
When we arrived a sandy roundabout was baking in the sun, my dad (who was driving ) said everyone keep your eyes peeled for parks. We drove on and on and on. No one saw a park until I yelled “Dad a street that hasn't been parked on yet”. We drove up and down the street trying to find the perfect park in the shade. ”Come on dad just park there” I said. Finally my dad agreed to park in a sort of shady spot but the problem was that my side was still in the sun. We got out the boogie boards and ran for the dunes, they rose 100 foot off the ground. My dad and I started climbing up the mountain of sand it burnt our blistered feet.Then when I got to the top my dad dared me to run and jump down the dunes on my boogie board, I did, the sand was flying in my face and in my eyes. I did that for 5 hours and then we went home. When I got home I had to wash out my eyes because I had so much sand in them.
By Ossian
Witangi day
class work
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